Body Massage
Massage Face & Scalp
Refreshing massage on the face and scalp with special pressures that relax, relax and eliminate the signs of fatigue. Your face rediscovers the radiance it needs.
Relaxing Massage
Massage on the back and calves, which varies in intensity, from moderate to intense and in depth, with warm oil. Relieves sore muscles.
Aromavedic Therapy
Holistic body and face massage, inspired by India. Extracts from apricot oils, rich in vitamin E with antioxidant activity, along with essential oils of jasmine and rose, which invite you to a ritual of...
Back Massage
Intense massage on the back and neck with presses, massages and stretching. Effective in relieving muscle pain.
Aroma Massage
Body massage with aromatic oil of your choice, which relieve headaches, migraines and release endorphins, the hormones of happiness.
Hot Stone Back Massage
Back massage with volcanic basalt stones in combination with massages, presses and stretches. Relieves musculoskeletal pain and activates all energy channels, to harmonize soul, body and spirit.
Chocola Massage
Light, rhythmic, full body massage with chocolate oil.Relieves stress and anxiety, rejuvenates, detoxifies and beautifies the skin.
Hot Stone Massage
Special Massage with volcanic basalt stones. Relieves musculoskeletal pain and activates all energy channels, to harmonize soul, body and spirit.